Dietary - Cut out fried, fatty foods and limit caffeine, alcohol, fizzy drinks etc. Maybe a chamomile or yogi bedtime tea 45 minutes before bed so as to allow time to go to the loo well before bedtime. Eating a little protein like milk and wholegrain cereal will sit well in the digestive system and may induce a better quality sleep. Include cherries in the diet as it boosts melatonin and so induces better quality sleep.
About an hour before bedtime, prepare for the next day - have clothes, bag, wallet, phone etc. all laid out and ready for the next day. Leave a pen and paper beside the bed to write down things to do or forgotten for the next day.
Electrical curfew - Ideally the best way to go is not to have T.V.'s , computers and other electrical devices in the bedroom as they emit electromagnetic waves which is bad for us and cause us stress. Use electrical black tape to cover all standby lights and l.e.d. lights. Set your alarm clock for the morning and turn it around/away to face the wall so you won't be watching the clock. If you are having trouble sleeping, it will make it worse. All the above disturb your sleep and cause stress.
Check room temperature - Outside the covers and under the covers too. Use socks if feet are cold. A hot bath two hours before bedtime is helpful, the internal body core temperature begins to drop and allows for a better nights sleep.( Steeping the feet in hot water draws energy down from the head). Have ear plugs, eye masks etc on the locker for bed time, use if there is noise, animals, traffic etc or if the room has too much light coming in, avoid frustration which will keep you from falling off. Some people like soothing music like ocean sounds some don't.
Position - If you lie on your side it puts uneven pressure on your right side resulting in problems with hips and knee, better to use a pillow between the knees. If you lie on the stomach, leads to problems with the lower back as the head goes up and puts strain below i.e. pain, best position is on the back as weight is more evenly distributed . In pregnancy, left side is best. Use pillows for support.
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